Monday, October 01, 2007

Mitt Again, Hilary, and hopefully a return

First, in following with "Mitt Romney is an Idiot" which perhaps should be rephrased "Mitt Romney: Not so good with that series of tubes"

Over on Slate The Has Been took up Mitt's challenge to his followers that users could create an ad from clips on the website and text and stuff saying what Romney's "really about" and the winning ad as determined by viewers voting and page view (mistake) would be broadcast in wherever however many times. The Has Been made a fabulously funny video that stole the election and now Romney's looking dumb and not counting votes. Awesome! Way!
So Mitt Romney : 0 for 2 in understanding the power and purposes of the internet. I give the guy cheers for trying to let his fans create a video (cuz, hey, it happens on youtube anyway, may as well have them do it for you and give you the rights) but you pay people to be on your campaign for a reason. Let them pick the ad. Really.

If youre looking for more Romney related funny: Slate's Five Brothers

According to WaPo: "Bill Clinton Endorses Wife's Torture Position"
First of all, that sounds awkward. We couldn't have written that to sound a) not like she likes torture and b) not like its a sex position?

Tim Russert asked candidates if they supported such an exemption to a ban on torture. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) said she opposed an exemption. Russert then pointed out her husband had supported one. "I'll talk to him later," she said.
Oh good, right, I forgot, Hilary must run her ideas past her husband to get approval and only if he agrees does she get to speak her mind. Good call. Also, wives and husbands must agree on all policy matters. Also, we asked all the wives of all the other candidates the same question an dthen asked the candidates if they agree with their spouses. Oh, wait. No, we didn't do that.

Lastly, telecommunications in South Africa, while they exist, are slower than this blogger is used to, and in combination with other distractions of being abroad, I have been nurishing a tendancy to read something, get frustrated... and then not blog it.
I apoligize. Expect a mini revival. Really should pick up in November though.
Also, a re-categorization of blog topics, too. It'll be fun all around.

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