Thursday, February 08, 2007

Klein Sexual Orientation Grid

We were working with this in class, and I thought it would make for an interesting contribution to some discussions that have been going on, as well as just an interesting perspective.

(And yes, it reminds you of Kinsey, but its by F. Klein and Ta. J. Wolf 1985)

Sexual Attraction

Sexual Behavior

Sexual Fantasies

Emotional Preference

Social Preference


Hetero/Gay Lifestyle

1 = Other gender or heterosexual only
2 = Other gender mostly or heterosexual mostly
3 = Other gender somewhat more or heterosexual some what more
4 = Both genders equally or hetero/lgb (lesbian, gay bisexual) equally
5 = Same gender somewhat more or lgb somewhat more
6 = Same gender mostly or lgb mostly
7 = Same gender only or lgb only

Sexual Attraction : To whom are you sexually attracted? For the present, use the past year as a time frame.
Sexual Behavior : With whom do you have sex?
Sexual Fantasies : When you daydream, masturbate, or fantasize about sexual experiences, with whom do you imagine having sex?
Emotional Preference : With whom do you feel intimate loving and emotional connections?
Social Preference : With whom do you prefer to spend your social time?
Self-Identification : How do you describe your sexual orientation?
Heterosexual / LGB Lifestyle : With which "community" do you identify and spend time?

I think it puts interesting questions and considerations on the table. The numbers don't add up to some super calculus of a person's sexuality, it just servers as a mental evaluation, and a collective acknowledgment that sexuality isn't binary, and doesn't even fall into three categories, nor is it completely static over time.

Food for thought, I suppose...

ps. blogger HTML code sucks, it put all sorts of random breaks in where they shouldn't have been

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.