Sunday, June 10, 2007

the anomaly of white trash

Over at the New Democratic Review, Stephen Mack revisits one of my favorite topics, the connections, and/or lack thereof, between class & race.

I think it leans towards a point I've been thinking about for a little bit. Race and culture are not the same, even though there are times when they overlap. While WASP indicates both white and rich, and while some stereotype or numeric averages of income and race of "the ghetto" might overlap being black with being poor, neither of those notions meant that all white people are rich nor that all black people are poor.

The concept of advertising towards "groups" that the agencies "understand" in order to market their product at whatever stereotyped and commodified version of a culture, or branch of a culture that they want to target continues to pretty much freakin disgust me, especially that people buy into it all. The mother of invention is supposed to be necessity, not a clever marketing pitch.

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