Monday, March 26, 2007

you either get gitmo or racism

We officially have the first person to plead guilty from Gitmo.

"The guilty plea is sure to be seen by supporters of the administration as an affirmation of its efforts to detain and try terrorism suspects here."

First - yes, because when you make two of his lawyers leave the courtroom, and at first don't have him enter a plea, and give someone a chance to leave a hellhole and he was found guilty of "providing material support to a terrorist organization," and not, ya know, killing Americans, its not a surprise he plead guilty.

But if they plan on pretending this is their flagship guilty case -- can we stop racial profiling yet? He's white! Hello?! Let's hope they follow rules of reason, and only get to pick one ... if this case proves anything (arguable) then it either proves Guantanamo
or racial profiling and hating Islamofascists, but not both.

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